
Prints Charming

A little overdue, here's a little recap and photos from the Design Nearby event at Pinkcomma Gallery a week ago, Friday.

I got a special sneak peak when I dropped off the rest of the editions - a hanging in progress. The gallery had painted their walls in super-pale different color shades, giving each artist a subtly distinct wall space.

Before and after.

The one-night opening / show was oodles of fun. I spent some good time schmoozing with the ladies from Two Trick Pony (shop talk, business talk, design talk), plus Emily Goodale, who also showed here sweet and wonderful etchings.

My favorite feature of the Pinkcomma gallery was the pepto-pink bathroom.

Talk about taking color to the max - this is the pinkest room I've ever seen. I love the excess.

And the one item I'm kicking myself for not buying:

Why didn't I think of that?

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